The mission of the CorpsGiving Foundation is to promote the power of volunteering, facilitate volunteer efforts, and to increase the effectiveness of the practice for businesses, volunteers, and non-profit organizations.


Engage your employees at HOme

Looking to connect your teams via hands-on virtual volunteering? For groups of 25 or more, we’ve partnered with Give To Get whose At-Home Volunteer Experiences do just that. Let them know that you’d like to work with the CorpsGiving Foundation, and your program costs will be tax deductible. Learn more.


Book a SPeaker or Workshop

With 25 years of experience in the social impact space, the CorpsGiving Foundation board members are available to speak with your group. Additionally, we provide educational programming around many topics geared at corporate social responsibility and nonprofit leadership. Our engaging workshops with real-world applications will leave attendees inspired. Learn more.



We work with CSR leaders to create volunteer programs that engage employees, benefit companies, and strengthen communities. Learn more.